food intervention atunda olu school

Food intervention

As part of our charity programme course, we reached out to one of our charity schools to extend our support with various food items to our younger brothers in need as part of the course we stand for

cheque presentation3

Presentation of intervention

Presentation of intervention cheque to one of our members after the demised of his late father.

presentation of an accommmodation fee cheque2

providing accomodation

Presentation of cheque to Tobi (a pupil from Atunda Olu School) and his Mum to pay for accomodation of their new Apartment after being evicted from their previous apartment.

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-12 at 12.10.02

Members celebrating

embers celebrating with our president emeritus during the final burial of his mother at Ikoyi

presentation of gift items

LOM Covid-19 Palliatives

We embarked on distribution of LOM Covid-19 Family Palliative Bags to 200 families around Orile Coker.


inauguration of new members

At an event of inauguration of new members and new executive members for promotion and development of the club


yearly charity

An end of the year charity event party with Atunda Olu School for mentally and physically challenged Kids.


new members inauguration

Presentation and unveling of new memebers of our great club during the end of the year party charity event at Atunda Olu School



Our members during the charity event with Atunda Olu School student 2017 end of the year party celebration


keynote address

ClubLOM leader delivering his keynote address to the attendants of the event stating the club purpose and showing his appreciation


Event anchoring

One of our members coordinating and anchoring the events party at Atunda Olu School fostering the love and unity beteen the shcool and the club

new members

donation and volunteering

Club's president greeting and appreciating one of the club's member for his undless love and support extended to the charity event

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“Lean on me, I’ll be your friend and help you carry on. Don’t hesitate to call when in need, for we all need someone to lean on.”