Most frequent questions and answers
Club Lean On Me is a social charity non profit and non government organization established for the sole aim of promoting the social and financial wellbeing of members, to help promote business ideas that would be beneficial to members and to engage in philanthropic activities when the need arises.
Club Lean On Me is for male persons who are above the age of 30 years and willing to expand on networking and contribute to the society’s development through philanthropic activities irrespective of religion, creed or nationality
Members of Club Lean On Me supports their fellow members in so many ways. One of them is financial intervention support whenever a member needs such. Members also supports one another on business ideas initiation that would bring a long time benefits
Yes, Club Lean On Me is a charity club organization
As an intending member who is willing to join our club. A new member must be recommended for membership by a financial member and endorsed by a minimum of four (4) other financial members. An Intending member must be accepted by a majority of the members at the club’s meeting where such an intending member will be presented to the general assembly after being duly endorsed by the requisite five (5) financial members
Yes, Club Lean On Me is a recognized club registered by Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)